Inspire Education

Knowledge Organisers

Each Inspire unit has its own, stunningly presented, inbuilt knowledge organiser. Each one contains a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge of a particular topic. They hold all the topic’s information, broken down into easily digestible chunks.

Video Player

Targeted and ambitious vocabulary

Significant people and famous events

Important historical and geographical locations 

Eye-catching images, photos and diagrams

Notable dates and full timelines showing different phases of eras.

Colour-coded maps displaying historical events or natural processes

Subject Knowledge

Key concepts and technical terminology are all clickable. Once clicked, an explanation video appears that allows the teacher to further understand aspects of the topic.

Subject Knowledge

Key concepts and technical terminology are all clickable. Once clicked, an explanation video appears that allows the teacher to further understand aspects of the topic.

Video Player

The Perfect Overview

These inbuilt knowledge organisers allow teachers and children to see the ‘bigger picture’ of the topic under consideration.

They can be used to:

  • Inform planning
  • Provide teachers and children with a general awareness of the topic
  • Test children’s retrieval skills for them to retain subject knowledge
  • Give children a point of reference if key areas are missed
  • Build and map a tailor-made curriculum
  • Help children make connections between different lesson content

The Inspire Education platform also comes with inbuilt Mozaik 3D. Here, children can see stunning 3D visuals to help them better understand the topic. They offer details such as cross-sections, skeletons, maps, enlargements and various complex processes.