Small Chacmool

Small Chacmool

Chacmool statues have been found at many Maya and Aztec sites including the famous Chichen Itza. The bowl that they hold is believed to have been a receptacle for religious offerings. Both the Maya and Aztecs held fearful beliefs about their gods. They thought that...

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Small Sarcophagus

Small Sarcophagus

A sarcophagus is a stone container that is the outer layer of protection for a royal mummy, with several layers of coffins nested inside. In early Egyptian times, most sarcophagi’ were undecorated and just consisted of a few simple carvings, however, as time moved on...

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Small Sphinx

Small Sphinx

In the myths of the Ancient Egyptians, a sphinx was a creature with a lion’s body and a person’s head. Statues of sphinxes were often built to guard tombs and temples and these commonly had the head of a Pharaoh or a god. The most famous of these statues, the Great...

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Ziggurat Model

Ziggurat Model

Nice resin model, Mayan ziggurats, or Mayan pyramids, were built for religious ceremonies. The main pyramid at Chichen Itza, for example, was built with exactly enough stepping stones to symbolize every day of the year, and at the very top of the pyramid was a small...

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